Finding Calm In Chaos

Through Challenge into Evolution

What is waiting to emerge within you ?

Finding ones own Path

These are momentous times to be alive ! Deeply challenging on all levels and yet ,if you are willing or indeed chalenged to look deeper ,there is a path through the winding mountain 

Unique Soul Gifts 

Through holding space with our most raw ,heart aching defeats ,we find there is a wonderful layer of aliveness and possibility waiting to emerge 

About Me

I help shift people from deep grief and fear into purpose and growth. 

I am a long time meditator and have been a seeker for deeper meaning in my life for twenty plus years .

In the last few years I have discovered a unique perspective that helps me tune into the resilient core of my Self despite all the external drama I experience through my work as an intensive care physician as well as a human being on a rapidly changing ,precarious planet.My guru in this lifetime has been Open whose deeply authentic teachings have brought me to this point where I am offering my perspective and energy to those ready to be transformed .

Along with being an explorer of consciousness, I am also a wife, a mother ,a farmer,a singer and an author. I bring into my work a unique blend of who I am ,so we can unearth the Truth of who you are . 

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom~Anais Nin 

Are you ready to move to the next phase of the possibility that is you ?

Finding Calm In Chaos